module Term:sig
term =
| |
Term of |
(* | Head symbol, supertypes, subterms | *) |
| |
SVar of |
(* | Shared variable symbol, encoding depth, type, subterms | *) |
| |
TVar of |
(* | Type variable symbol | *) |
val fun_type_name : string
Substituting superclasses corresponding to sharing variable types
while rewriting: "Let f X be X := t" syntax.
val assign_name : string
val symbol_of_term : term -> string
val term_str : term -> string
Super concise super readable form.
val short_term : (term -> string) Pervasives.ref
val suffix : int -> term -> term
val equal_mod_tvars : term -> term -> bool
val size_up_to : int -> term -> int
val s_vars_in_term : string list -> term -> string list
val t_vars_in_term : string list -> term -> string list
val has_s_var : term -> bool
val has_t_var : term -> bool
val fn_apply : int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val add_logic_name : string -> unit
. Logic names have to have
typesubsts =
s_subst * t_subst
exception UNIFY
val empty_s_sb : s_subst
val empty_t_sb : t_subst
val empty_sbs : substs
.val assoc_t_sb : string -> t_subst -> term
val assoc_s_sb : string -> s_subst -> term
val apply_sbs : substs -> term -> term
val head_grounding : term -> term
on unbounded
type variables.
Return the supertypes of a term or type of a variable.
val types_of : term -> term array
val position_str : position -> string
val subst_t_pos : position -> subt:term -> term -> term
val get_t_pos : position -> term -> term
typeisubsts =
iter_s_subst * iter_t_subst
val empty_t_isb : iter_t_subst
val empty_s_isb : iter_s_subst
val empty_isbs : isubsts
add_to_decls =
| |
Decls_OK |
(* | Declaration added. | *) |
| |
Decls_multi_glb of |
(* | The first two symbols already have the third symbol as a greatest lower bound, the proposed declaration would introduce alternative GLB for them. | *) |
| |
Decls_multi_lub of |
(* | The proposed declaration together with the third symbol would have the first two symbols both as least upper bounds. | *) |
| |
Decls_redundant_s of |
(* | Of proposed direct superclasses one ISA the second one. | *) |
| |
Decls_polyconflict |
(* | One of several supertypes is a type variable. | *) |
| |
Decls_var |
| |
Decls_repeating of |
val create_decls : unit -> decls_set
val get_superclasses : decls_set -> string -> Aux.Strings.t
val get_subclasses : decls_set -> string -> string list
val get_decl : decls_set -> string -> term
exception EXC_Decls_multi_lub of string * string * string
val add_to_decls : decls_set -> term -> add_to_decls
order relation. Return whether
the declaration was added or the reason it was not added.val glb : decls_set -> term -> term -> isubsts * term
. Shared variables are merged using GLB-unification and
type variables are merged using LUB-unification. The returned term
contains variables from the substitution.
Substitutions are never applied during glb-unification. It
is important to return this intermediate representation, because
parsing is a "distributed glb-unification" as it produces a
single term that ISA a declaration.
val aux_glb : decls_set ->
isubsts -> term -> term -> isubsts * term
val lub : decls_set -> term -> term -> isubsts * term
. Shared variables are merged using GLB-unification and
type variables are merged using LUB-unification. See also Term.glb
.val aux_lub : decls_set ->
isubsts -> term -> term -> isubsts * term
val aux_glb_lub_cont : decls_set -> isubsts -> isubsts -> isubsts
val isa_match : decls_set ->
?for_rewrite:bool ->
pattern:term -> term -> substs * position
. First term is the
pattern. Shared variables are merged using MGU (eq-unification)
and type variables are merged using LUB-unification. See also
. With for_rewrite=true
, will ignore mismatches at purely
polymorphic supertypes. (A supertype of a class/functor is purely
polymorphic if in its position in the declaration is a type
variable, even if the variable is bounded.)
Similar to ISA-matching pattern against term and vice versa with
set to true, but treats sharing variables as
constants and does not produce substitutions.
val equal_for_rewriting : decls_set -> term -> term -> bool
val isa_unify : decls_set -> pattern:term -> term -> isubsts
.val aux_isa_unify : decls_set ->
isubsts -> pattern:term -> term -> isubsts
val is_superclass_of : decls_set -> pattern:term -> term -> bool
val mgu_iter : decls_set -> term -> term -> isubsts
if not unifiable. Both shared
variables and type variables are merged using MGU
(eq-unification).val aux_mgu_i : decls_set -> isubsts -> term -> term -> isubsts
val aux_mgu_i_cont : decls_set -> isubsts -> isubsts -> isubsts
val apply_isbs : isubsts -> term -> term
val split_to_list : string -> Aux.split_result list
val s_subst_str : s_subst -> string
val t_subst_str : t_subst -> string
val t_isubst_str : iter_t_subst -> string
val substs_str : substs -> string
val substs_fstr : (term -> string) -> substs -> string
val isubsts_str : isubsts -> string
val isubsts_fstr : (term -> string) -> isubsts -> string
val t_isubst_map : (term -> term) -> iter_t_subst -> iter_t_subst
val s_isubst_map_some : (string * (int * term) -> (string * (int * term)) option) ->
iter_s_subst -> iter_s_subst
val isubsts_map : (term -> term) -> isubsts -> isubsts
module HashableTerm:sig
module TermHashtbl:sig