module SyntaxDef: sig
.. end
Contains the type of syntax elements and definitions, basic functions
for syntax definitions and printing with names generated from syntax
definitions and a few basic syntax definitions of types and constructors.
syntax_elem =
Elements of the "right hand side" of a grammar rule.
syntax_def =
Grammar rules for functor terms (functions/constants/classes), for
(sharing) variables and for type variables. Type variable has an
optional supertype, i.e. its upper bound.
sdef_result =
Supertypes and whether we define a variable. Minor current and
perhaps bigger future use.
Basic functions on Syntax Definitions, generating names
val syntax_elems_of_sd : syntax_def -> syntax_elem list
val result_of_sd : syntax_def -> sdef_result
val name_of_sd : syntax_def -> string
val unique_name_of_sd : syntax_def -> string list -> string
val term_of_sd : ?used_names:string list -> ?name:string -> syntax_def -> Term.term
A helper function returning type with level indication, or ?t.
val type_with_level_of_sd : syntax_def -> Term.term
Functions for printing based on Syntax Definitions
val split_sd_name : string -> string option list
val put_space : string -> string -> string
val display_sd : string option list -> string list -> string
val display_sd_bracketed : string option list -> string list -> string
Pretty printing Types and Syntax Definitions
Simple conversion to EBNF grammar
exception NONLEXICAL
val flat_grammar_of_sd_list : syntax_def list -> (string * string list list) list
val print_grammar : (string * string list list) list -> string
XSLT output for Syntax Definitions with names
val make_xml_compatible : string -> string
val print_xslt : string -> (string * syntax_def) list -> string