type term =
Term of string * Term.term array * Term.term array
| SVar of string * int * Term.term * Term.term array
| TVar of string * Term.term option
val fun_type_name : string
val assign_name : string
val symbol_of_term : Term.term -> string
val term_str : Term.term -> string
val short_term : (Term.term -> string) Pervasives.ref
val suffix : int -> Term.term -> Term.term
val equal_mod_tvars : Term.term -> Term.term -> bool
val size_up_to : int -> Term.term -> int
val s_vars_in_term : string list -> Term.term -> string list
val t_vars_in_term : string list -> Term.term -> string list
val has_s_var : Term.term -> bool
val has_t_var : Term.term -> bool
val fn_apply : int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val add_logic_name : string -> unit
type t_subst
type s_subst
type substs = Term.s_subst * Term.t_subst
exception UNIFY
val empty_s_sb : Term.s_subst
val empty_t_sb : Term.t_subst
val empty_sbs : Term.substs
val assoc_t_sb : string -> Term.t_subst -> Term.term
val assoc_s_sb : string -> Term.s_subst -> Term.term
val apply_sbs : Term.substs -> Term.term -> Term.term
val head_grounding : Term.term -> Term.term
val types_of : Term.term -> Term.term array
type position
val position_str : Term.position -> string
val subst_t_pos : Term.position -> subt:Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.term
val get_t_pos : Term.position -> Term.term -> Term.term
type iter_s_subst
type iter_t_subst
type isubsts = Term.iter_s_subst * Term.iter_t_subst
val empty_t_isb : Term.iter_t_subst
val empty_s_isb : Term.iter_s_subst
val empty_isbs : Term.isubsts
type add_to_decls =
| Decls_multi_glb of string * string * string
| Decls_multi_lub of string * string * string
| Decls_redundant_s of string * string
| Decls_polyconflict
| Decls_var
| Decls_repeating of string
type decls_set
val create_decls : unit -> Term.decls_set
val get_superclasses : Term.decls_set -> string -> Aux.Strings.t
val get_subclasses : Term.decls_set -> string -> string list
val get_decl : Term.decls_set -> string -> Term.term
exception EXC_Decls_multi_lub of string * string * string
val add_to_decls : Term.decls_set -> Term.term -> Term.add_to_decls
val glb :
Term.decls_set -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts * Term.term
val aux_glb :
Term.decls_set ->
Term.isubsts -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts * Term.term
val lub :
Term.decls_set -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts * Term.term
val aux_lub :
Term.decls_set ->
Term.isubsts -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts * Term.term
val aux_glb_lub_cont :
Term.decls_set -> Term.isubsts -> Term.isubsts -> Term.isubsts
val isa_match :
Term.decls_set ->
?for_rewrite:bool ->
pattern:Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.substs * Term.position
val equal_for_rewriting : Term.decls_set -> Term.term -> Term.term -> bool
val isa_unify :
Term.decls_set -> pattern:Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts
val aux_isa_unify :
Term.decls_set ->
Term.isubsts -> pattern:Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts
val is_superclass_of :
Term.decls_set -> pattern:Term.term -> Term.term -> bool
val mgu_iter : Term.decls_set -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts
val aux_mgu_i :
Term.decls_set -> Term.isubsts -> Term.term -> Term.term -> Term.isubsts
val aux_mgu_i_cont :
Term.decls_set -> Term.isubsts -> Term.isubsts -> Term.isubsts
val apply_isbs : Term.isubsts -> Term.term -> Term.term
val split_to_list : string -> Aux.split_result list
val s_subst_str : Term.s_subst -> string
val t_subst_str : Term.t_subst -> string
val t_isubst_str : Term.iter_t_subst -> string
val substs_str : Term.substs -> string
val substs_fstr : (Term.term -> string) -> Term.substs -> string
val isubsts_str : Term.isubsts -> string
val isubsts_fstr : (Term.term -> string) -> Term.isubsts -> string
val t_isubst_map :
(Term.term -> Term.term) -> Term.iter_t_subst -> Term.iter_t_subst
val s_isubst_map_some :
(string * (int * Term.term) -> (string * (int * Term.term)) option) ->
Term.iter_s_subst -> Term.iter_s_subst
val isubsts_map : (Term.term -> Term.term) -> Term.isubsts -> Term.isubsts
module HashableTerm :
type t = Term.term
val equal : Term.HashableTerm.t -> Term.HashableTerm.t -> bool
val hash : Term.HashableTerm.t -> int
module TermHashtbl :
type key = Term.HashableTerm.t
type 'a t = 'a Hashtbl.Make(HashableTerm).t
val create : int -> 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t
val clear : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> unit
val copy : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t
val add : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> Term.TermHashtbl.key -> 'a -> unit
val remove : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> Term.TermHashtbl.key -> unit
val find : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> Term.TermHashtbl.key -> 'a
val find_all : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> Term.TermHashtbl.key -> 'a list
val replace :
'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> Term.TermHashtbl.key -> 'a -> unit
val mem : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> Term.TermHashtbl.key -> bool
val iter :
(Term.TermHashtbl.key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> unit
val fold :
(Term.TermHashtbl.key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) ->
'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> 'b -> 'b
val length : 'a Term.TermHashtbl.t -> int