module ParseArc: sig
.. end
Contains the bottom-up chart-based parser that uses syntax definitions
and checks if terms are well-typed when closing arcs. *
parser_elem =
The type of elements created during parsing. Tokens come just
from lexer and terms are created during parsing. term
does not
have substitution
val elem_str : parser_elem -> string
Print a parser elem.
val reset_fresh_count : unit -> unit
Reset the variable suffix count.
parser_arc = {
Incomplete arcs that appear during parsing. parsed_elems
do not have
Parsing, done by adding arcs
val create_arc : SyntaxDef.syntax_def -> string -> int -> parser_arc
val extend_arc_list : Term.decls_set ->
parser_elem -> parser_arc list -> parser_arc list
Extends all the arcs in the given list that can be extended
and removes all other arcs.
val close_arc : Term.decls_set -> parser_arc -> (parser_elem * int) option
Closes an arc when it is completed: returns the corresponding term
parser element together with the starting position of the arc.
val parse_to_array : Term.decls_set ->
(string * SyntaxDef.syntax_def) list ->
string list -> (parser_elem * int) list array
val parsing_postprocess : ?builtin_sd:bool -> Term.term -> Term.term
val builtin_decls : unit -> (string * SyntaxDef.syntax_def) list * Term.decls_set
val parse : Term.decls_set ->
(string * SyntaxDef.syntax_def) list ->
string list -> parser_elem list
val split_input_string : string -> string list
val parse_with_sdefs : Term.decls_set ->
(string * SyntaxDef.syntax_def) list -> string -> Term.term list
val last_no_parse_message : unit -> string