Contact and Links
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Toss Links
Toss originates from our work in the AlgoSyn research group. Many people contributed, here we name just a few. Currently working:- Łukasz Kaiser (
- Łukasz Stafiniak
- Faried Abu Zaid
- Dietmar Berwanger
- Matko Botincan
- Diana Fischer
- Tobias Ganzow
- Florian Horn
- Skip Jordan
- Simon Leßenich
- Sasha Rubin
- Michał Wójcik
- Alexander Kharitonov
- Peter Cholewinski
Game Playing Links
- Apronus Chess Board Editor is our favorite site for simple chess board editing.
- Gridlock is a collection of open-source board games. It is nice to play but is does not allow you to change the game in any easy way.
- Zillions of Games is a language for defining games together with a simulator and a large library of games. It is very nice but unluckily not open source.
- Kurnik is a polish site on which you can play various games.
- Abstract Strategy Games site allows you to learn and play such games.
- Your Turn My Turn allows you to play various board games online.
Modelling Links
- Step is an open-source physics simulator, a part of the KDE Education Project. It can be used for simulation of systems with continuous dynamics.
- STELLA is a commercial simulator allowing both continuous and discrete dynamics.
- Ptolemy project studies modelling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. This advanced project allows to use various models of computation that govern the interactions between components.