module GDL:sig
val playout_fixpoint : bool Pervasives.ref
val set_timeout : (unit -> bool) -> unit
term =
| |
Const of |
| |
Var of |
| |
Func of |
typerel_atom =
string * term array
atom =
| |
Distinct of |
| |
Rel of |
| |
Role of |
| |
True of |
| |
Does of |
literal =
| |
Pos of |
| |
Neg of |
| |
Disj of |
typegdl_rule =
rel_atom * rel_atom list * rel_atom list
Collect rules by relations.
typedef_branch =
term array * rel_atom list * rel_atom list
typegdl_defs =
(string * def_branch list) list
typeclause =
rel_atom * literal list
typepath =
(string * int) list
request =
| |
Start of |
(* | prepare game: match id, role, game, startclock, playclock | *) |
| |
Play of |
(* | request a move: match id, actions on previous step | *) |
| |
Stop of |
(* | game ends here: match id, actions on previous step | *) |
module Terms:Set.S
with type elt = term
val add_terms : term list -> Terms.t -> Terms.t
val terms_of_list : term list -> Terms.t
val atoms_of_body : literal list -> atom list
val rel_of_atom : atom -> rel_atom
val term_vars : term -> Aux.Strings.t
val terms_vars : term array -> Aux.Strings.t
val clause_vars : clause -> Aux.Strings.t
val clauses_vars : clause list -> Aux.Strings.t
val literals_vars : literal list -> Aux.Strings.t
val defs_of_rules : gdl_rule list -> gdl_defs
val rules_of_clause : clause -> gdl_rule list
val nnf_dnf : literal list -> literal list list
typesubstitution =
(string * term) list
val unify : substitution -> term list -> term list -> substitution
val unify_args : ?sb:substitution -> term array -> term array -> substitution
Const "_BLANK_"
on the right.val match_nonblank : substitution -> term list -> term list -> substitution
val mask_blank : term list -> term list -> bool
val unify_all : substitution -> term list -> substitution
val unify_rels : ?sb:substitution -> rel_atom -> rel_atom -> substitution
val rels_unify : rel_atom -> rel_atom -> bool
val subst : substitution -> term -> term
val subst_consts : substitution -> term -> term
val subst_rel : substitution -> rel_atom -> rel_atom
val subst_rels : substitution -> rel_atom list -> rel_atom list
val subst_literal : substitution -> literal -> literal
val subst_literals : substitution -> literal list -> literal list
val subst_clause : substitution -> clause -> clause
val subst_consts_literals : substitution -> literal list -> literal list
val subst_consts_clause : substitution -> clause -> clause
module Tuples:Set.S
with type elt = term array
typegraph =
Tuples.t Aux.StrMap.t
val graph_mem : string -> term array -> graph -> bool
val merge_graphs : graph -> graph -> graph
val build_graph : rel_atom list -> graph
val graph_to_atoms : graph -> rel_atom list
val gdl_rel_graph : string -> graph -> term array list
val saturate : graph -> gdl_rule list -> graph
val run_prolog_aggregate : bool Pervasives.ref
val reorder_clauses : bool Pervasives.ref
val preprocess_program : clause list -> prolog_program
val restore_program : ?t_cls:clause list ->
?d_cls:clause list -> prolog_program -> prolog_program
val run_prolog_atom : rel_atom -> prolog_program -> rel_atom list
Compute all variable substitutions that satisfy the given
conjunction of literals. The substitutions are not unique (there
is as many of them as there are different proofs of the goal).
val run_prolog_goal : literal list -> prolog_program -> substitution list
result.val run_prolog_check_atom : rel_atom -> prolog_program -> bool
val run_prolog_check_goal : literal list -> prolog_program -> bool
val optimize_goal : testground:prolog_program ->
?head_sb:substitution -> literal list -> literal list
val optimize_program : testground:prolog_program -> prolog_program -> prolog_program
val expand_definitions : gdl_defs -> def_branch list -> def_branch list
val atom_of_rel : rel_atom -> atom
inverts polarity of "distinct" --
invert back after using atom_of_rel
if needed.val negate_bodies : literal list list -> (substitution * literal list) list
val rename_clauses : clause list -> Aux.Strings.t Pervasives.ref * clause list
val func_graph : string -> term list -> term array list
val elim_pattern_args : string list -> clause list -> string list * clause list
val elim_ground_distinct : clause list -> clause list
val state_cls : term list -> clause list
val blank : term
val counter_n : string
val term_str : term -> string
val terms_str : term array -> string
val term_to_name : ?nested:bool -> term -> string
val state_terms : literal list -> term list
val pos_state_terms : literal list -> term list
val term_arities : term -> (string * int) list
val atom_str : atom -> string
val rel_atom_str : rel_atom -> string
val rel_atoms_str : rel_atom list -> string
val gdl_rule_str : gdl_rule -> string
val gdl_rules_str : gdl_rule list -> string
val def_str : string * def_branch list -> string
val literal_str : literal -> string
val literals_str : literal list -> string
val clause_str : clause -> string
val clauses_str : clause list -> string
val sb_str : (string * term) list -> string
val program_clauses : prolog_program -> clause list
val topsort_callgraph : clause list -> string list
Aggregate and random playout, player-denoting variable elimination.
val static_rels : gdl_defs -> string list * string list
val playout_satur : aggregate:bool ->
term array ->
int ->
gdl_rule list ->
gdl_rule list * gdl_rule list * graph * term list *
(term array list list * term list list * term list)
When aggregate_drop_negative
is true, to keep monotonicity,
besides removing negative literals from "legal" clauses, we also
add old terms to the state. (Only when ~aggregate:true
performs an aggregate ply, ~aggregate:false
performs a random ply. Aggregate playouts are "deprecated",
especially for uses other than generating all possible state
val playout_prolog : aggregate:bool ->
term array ->
int ->
prolog_program ->
term array list list * term list list * term list
val find_cycle : term option list -> term option list
val expand_players : clause list -> clause list
val simult_subst : path_set -> term -> term -> term
simult_subst ps s t
substitutes s
at all t
paths that belong
to the set ps
, returns $tps \ot s
$.val map_paths : (path -> term -> 'a) -> path_set -> term -> 'a list
val rel_on_paths : string -> path list -> string
val pred_on_path_subterm : path -> term -> string
val term_paths : ?prefix_only:bool -> (term -> bool) -> term -> path_set
, paths that contain a path
that has been included, are not included.val at_path : term -> path -> term
; at_path p t
is $t \tpos p$.val merge_terms : term -> term -> path_set * int * int
val at_paths : ?fail_at_missing:bool -> path_set -> term -> term list
raise Not_found
if ~fail_at_missing:true
.val empty_path_set : path_set
val eps_path_set : path_set
val add_path : (string -> int) -> path -> path_set -> path_set
val paths_union : path_set -> path_set -> path_set
val paths_intersect : path_set -> path_set -> path_set
val paths_to_list : path_set -> path list
val path_str : path -> string
val ground_vars_at_paths : (clause -> literal list) ->
(path * term list) list -> clause list -> clause list
ground_vars_at_paths prepare_lits ps_sterms clauses
subterms that have occurrences at paths in ps_sterms
in some
state term of a clause (from which pre-processed literals are
extracted by prepare_lits
), by substituting their variables with
corresponding subterms of terms provided in ps_sterms
.val blank_outside_subterm : (string * int) list -> path -> term -> term
val blank_outside_subterms : (string * int) list -> (path * term) list -> term
val refine_leaf_paths : path_set -> term list -> path_set
val refine_paths_avoiding : path_set ->
(term -> bool) -> (term -> bool) -> term list -> path_set
refine_paths_avoiding paths avoid_later avoid_now terms
paths in the set until, if possible, none of subterms at the paths
meets the predicate avoid_later
; it does not descend subterms
for which avoid_now
holds. Also removes paths not present
in terms.typeargpaths =
(path * int) list list
val find_rel_arg : term list -> term array -> (path * int) list -> term
val complete_paths_for : path_set -> argpaths -> bool