val playout_fixpoint : bool Pervasives.ref
val set_timeout : (unit -> bool) -> unit
type term =
Const of string
| Var of string
| Func of string * GDL.term array
type rel_atom = string * GDL.term array
type atom =
Distinct of GDL.term array
| Rel of GDL.rel_atom
| Role of GDL.term
| True of GDL.term
| Does of GDL.term * GDL.term
type literal = Pos of GDL.atom | Neg of GDL.atom | Disj of GDL.literal list
type gdl_rule = GDL.rel_atom * GDL.rel_atom list * GDL.rel_atom list
type def_branch = GDL.term array * GDL.rel_atom list * GDL.rel_atom list
type gdl_defs = (string * GDL.def_branch list) list
type clause = GDL.rel_atom * GDL.literal list
type path = (string * int) list
type path_set
type request =
Start of string * GDL.term * GDL.clause list * int * int
| Play of string * GDL.term list
| Stop of string * GDL.term list
module Terms :
type elt = term
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt : t -> elt
val choose : t -> elt
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val add_terms : GDL.term list -> GDL.Terms.t -> GDL.Terms.t
val terms_of_list : GDL.term list -> GDL.Terms.t
val atoms_of_body : GDL.literal list -> GDL.atom list
val rel_of_atom : GDL.atom -> GDL.rel_atom
val term_vars : GDL.term -> Aux.Strings.t
val terms_vars : GDL.term array -> Aux.Strings.t
val clause_vars : GDL.clause -> Aux.Strings.t
val clauses_vars : GDL.clause list -> Aux.Strings.t
val literals_vars : GDL.literal list -> Aux.Strings.t
val defs_of_rules : GDL.gdl_rule list -> GDL.gdl_defs
val rules_of_clause : GDL.clause -> GDL.gdl_rule list
val nnf_dnf : GDL.literal list -> GDL.literal list list
type substitution = (string * GDL.term) list
val unify :
GDL.substitution -> GDL.term list -> GDL.term list -> GDL.substitution
val unify_args :
?sb:GDL.substitution ->
GDL.term array -> GDL.term array -> GDL.substitution
val match_nonblank :
GDL.substitution -> GDL.term list -> GDL.term list -> GDL.substitution
val mask_blank : GDL.term list -> GDL.term list -> bool
val unify_all : GDL.substitution -> GDL.term list -> GDL.substitution
val unify_rels :
?sb:GDL.substitution -> GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.substitution
val rels_unify : GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.rel_atom -> bool
val subst : GDL.substitution -> GDL.term -> GDL.term
val subst_consts : GDL.substitution -> GDL.term -> GDL.term
val subst_rel : GDL.substitution -> GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.rel_atom
val subst_rels : GDL.substitution -> GDL.rel_atom list -> GDL.rel_atom list
val subst_literal : GDL.substitution -> GDL.literal -> GDL.literal
val subst_literals :
GDL.substitution -> GDL.literal list -> GDL.literal list
val subst_clause : GDL.substitution -> GDL.clause -> GDL.clause
val subst_consts_literals :
GDL.substitution -> GDL.literal list -> GDL.literal list
val subst_consts_clause : GDL.substitution -> GDL.clause -> GDL.clause
module Tuples :
type elt = term array
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt : t -> elt
val choose : t -> elt
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
type graph = GDL.Tuples.t Aux.StrMap.t
val graph_mem : string -> GDL.term array -> GDL.graph -> bool
val merge_graphs : GDL.graph -> GDL.graph -> GDL.graph
val build_graph : GDL.rel_atom list -> GDL.graph
val graph_to_atoms : GDL.graph -> GDL.rel_atom list
val gdl_rel_graph : string -> GDL.graph -> GDL.term array list
val saturate : GDL.graph -> GDL.gdl_rule list -> GDL.graph
val run_prolog_aggregate : bool Pervasives.ref
val reorder_clauses : bool Pervasives.ref
type prolog_program
val preprocess_program : GDL.clause list -> GDL.prolog_program
val restore_program :
?t_cls:GDL.clause list ->
?d_cls:GDL.clause list -> GDL.prolog_program -> GDL.prolog_program
val run_prolog_atom :
GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.prolog_program -> GDL.rel_atom list
val run_prolog_goal :
GDL.literal list -> GDL.prolog_program -> GDL.substitution list
val run_prolog_check_atom : GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.prolog_program -> bool
val run_prolog_check_goal : GDL.literal list -> GDL.prolog_program -> bool
val optimize_goal :
testground:GDL.prolog_program ->
?head_sb:GDL.substitution -> GDL.literal list -> GDL.literal list
val optimize_program :
testground:GDL.prolog_program -> GDL.prolog_program -> GDL.prolog_program
val expand_definitions :
GDL.gdl_defs -> GDL.def_branch list -> GDL.def_branch list
val atom_of_rel : GDL.rel_atom -> GDL.atom
val negate_bodies :
GDL.literal list list -> (GDL.substitution * GDL.literal list) list
val rename_clauses :
GDL.clause list -> Aux.Strings.t Pervasives.ref * GDL.clause list
val func_graph : string -> GDL.term list -> GDL.term array list
val elim_pattern_args :
string list -> GDL.clause list -> string list * GDL.clause list
val elim_ground_distinct : GDL.clause list -> GDL.clause list
val state_cls : GDL.term list -> GDL.clause list
val blank : GDL.term
val counter_n : string
val term_str : GDL.term -> string
val terms_str : GDL.term array -> string
val term_to_name : ?nested:bool -> GDL.term -> string
val state_terms : GDL.literal list -> GDL.term list
val pos_state_terms : GDL.literal list -> GDL.term list
val term_arities : GDL.term -> (string * int) list
val atom_str : GDL.atom -> string
val rel_atom_str : GDL.rel_atom -> string
val rel_atoms_str : GDL.rel_atom list -> string
val gdl_rule_str : GDL.gdl_rule -> string
val gdl_rules_str : GDL.gdl_rule list -> string
val def_str : string * GDL.def_branch list -> string
val literal_str : GDL.literal -> string
val literals_str : GDL.literal list -> string
val clause_str : GDL.clause -> string
val clauses_str : GDL.clause list -> string
val sb_str : (string * GDL.term) list -> string
val program_clauses : GDL.prolog_program -> GDL.clause list
val topsort_callgraph : GDL.clause list -> string list
val static_rels : GDL.gdl_defs -> string list * string list
val playout_satur :
aggregate:bool ->
GDL.term array ->
int ->
GDL.gdl_rule list ->
GDL.gdl_rule list * GDL.gdl_rule list * GDL.graph * GDL.term list *
(GDL.term array list list * GDL.term list list * GDL.term list)
val playout_prolog :
aggregate:bool ->
GDL.term array ->
int ->
GDL.prolog_program ->
GDL.term array list list * GDL.term list list * GDL.term list
val find_cycle : GDL.term option list -> GDL.term option list
val expand_players : GDL.clause list -> GDL.clause list
val simult_subst : GDL.path_set -> GDL.term -> GDL.term -> GDL.term
val map_paths :
(GDL.path -> GDL.term -> 'a) -> GDL.path_set -> GDL.term -> 'a list
val rel_on_paths : string -> GDL.path list -> string
val pred_on_path_subterm : GDL.path -> GDL.term -> string
val term_paths :
?prefix_only:bool -> (GDL.term -> bool) -> GDL.term -> GDL.path_set
val at_path : GDL.term -> GDL.path -> GDL.term
val merge_terms : GDL.term -> GDL.term -> GDL.path_set * int * int
val at_paths :
?fail_at_missing:bool -> GDL.path_set -> GDL.term -> GDL.term list
val empty_path_set : GDL.path_set
val eps_path_set : GDL.path_set
val add_path : (string -> int) -> GDL.path -> GDL.path_set -> GDL.path_set
val paths_union : GDL.path_set -> GDL.path_set -> GDL.path_set
val paths_intersect : GDL.path_set -> GDL.path_set -> GDL.path_set
val paths_to_list : GDL.path_set -> GDL.path list
val path_str : GDL.path -> string
val ground_vars_at_paths :
(GDL.clause -> GDL.literal list) ->
(GDL.path * GDL.term list) list -> GDL.clause list -> GDL.clause list
val blank_outside_subterm :
(string * int) list -> GDL.path -> GDL.term -> GDL.term
val blank_outside_subterms :
(string * int) list -> (GDL.path * GDL.term) list -> GDL.term
val refine_leaf_paths : GDL.path_set -> GDL.term list -> GDL.path_set
val refine_paths_avoiding :
GDL.path_set ->
(GDL.term -> bool) -> (GDL.term -> bool) -> GDL.term list -> GDL.path_set
type argpaths = (GDL.path * int) list list
val find_rel_arg :
GDL.term list -> GDL.term array -> (GDL.path * int) list -> GDL.term
val complete_paths_for : GDL.path_set -> GDL.argpaths -> bool