module BoolFormula: sig
.. end
Represent Boolean combinations of integer literals.
Basic type definitions.
bool_formula =
This type describes formulas of relational logic with equality.
We allow only simple boolean junctors, other are resolved during parsing.
Printing functions.
val var_str : int -> string
Print a variable as a string.
val str : ?names:(int, string) Hashtbl.t -> bool_formula -> string
Print a formula as a string.
val flatten_sort : bool_formula -> bool_formula
Helper function to flatten multiple or's and and's.
val bool_formula_of_formula : Formula.formula -> bool_formula
Convert an arbitrary formula to a Boolean combination of literals
val formula_of_bool_formula_arg : bool_formula ->
(Formula.formula, int) Hashtbl.t * (int, Formula.formula) Hashtbl.t *
int Pervasives.ref -> Formula.formula
Convert a Boolean combination back to a formula
val bool_formula_of_formula_arg : Formula.formula ->
(Formula.formula, int) Hashtbl.t * (int, Formula.formula) Hashtbl.t *
int Pervasives.ref -> bool_formula
val simplify : bool_formula -> bool_formula
Simplify a Boolean combination
val full_simplify : bool_formula -> bool_formula
Simplify a Boolean combination with all reductions; may be slower.
val sort : bool_formula -> bool_formula
Sort a Boolean combination
val auxcnf_of_bool_formula : bool_formula -> int * bool_formula
Convert a reduced Boolean combination into a CNF with auxiliary variables
val pg_auxcnf_of_bool_formula : ?setmax:int -> bool_formula -> int * bool_formula
val to_reduced_form : ?neg:bool -> bool_formula -> bool_formula
Convert a Boolean combination into reduced form (over 'not' and 'or')
val to_nnf : ?neg:bool -> bool_formula -> bool_formula
Convert a Boolean formula to NNF and additionally negate if neg
is set.
val cnf_of_bool_formula : ?use_pg:bool ->
?setmax:int -> bool_formula -> int * int list list
Convert a Boolean formula to an equisatisfiable CNF.
val print_dimacs : int list list -> unit
Print dimacs for a cnf.
val find_model : ?logtime:float ->
?logprefix:string -> bool_formula -> int list option
Find a model for a Boolean formula.
val convert : ?disc_vars:int list -> bool_formula -> int list list
Convert a Boolean formula to CNF. If you only want SAT, use find_model.
val formula_to_cnf : Formula.formula -> Formula.formula
Convert an arbitrary formula to CNF via Boolean combinations.
val to_cnf : ?disc_vars:int list ->
?tm:float -> bool_formula -> bool_formula option
Convert a Boolean formula to CNF, fail on timeout.
val to_dnf : ?disc_vars:int list ->
?tm:float -> bool_formula -> bool_formula option
Convert a Boolean formula to DNF, fail on timeout.
val to_sat : ?tm:float -> bool_formula -> bool_formula option
Convert a Boolean formula to Sat-equivalent form, "BOr []" on Unsat.
Boolean Quantifier Elimination and QBF
val elim_all : int list -> bool_formula -> bool_formula
Returns a quantifier-free formula equivalent to All (vars, phi).
val elim_ex : int list -> bool_formula -> bool_formula
Returns a quantifier-free formula equivalent to Ex (vars, phi).
qbf_raw =
| |
QVar of int |
| |
QNot of qbf |
| |
QAnd of qbf list |
| |
QOr of qbf list |
| |
QEx of int list * qbf |
| |
QAll of int list * qbf |
Type for quantified Boolean formulas.
qbf = qbf_raw HashCons.hc
module QBFCons: HashCons.S
with type data = qbf_raw
and type other_value = int list
val qbf_hc : qbf_raw -> qbf
Hash-cons a raw QBF formula.
val clear_qbf_consing : unit -> unit
Clear QBF consing table -- only for strict test repeatability.
val qbf_of_bf : bool_formula -> qbf
Convert a boolean formula to QBF.
val qbf_str : ?names:(int, string) Hashtbl.t -> qbf -> string
Print a QBF formula.
val nnf : ?neg:bool -> qbf -> qbf
Convert a QBF to NNF and additionally negate if neg
is set.
val has_quantifiers : qbf -> bool
Check if a qbf has quantifiers inside.
val read_qdimacs : string -> qbf
Read a qdimacs description of a QBF from a string.
val elim_quant : qbf -> bool_formula
Eliminating quantifiers from QBF formulas.
val sat_of_qbf : qbf -> bool_formula
Reduce QBF to SAT by taking all possibilities for universal variables
val free_vars : qbf -> int list
Free variables in a QBF.
val max_var : qbf -> int
Maximal variable number occuring (positively or negatively) in phi.
val iter_vars : (int -> unit) -> qbf -> unit
Iterate given function on all variables of the qbf.
val flatten_qbf : ?unit_prop:bool -> qbf -> qbf
Helper function to flatten multiple or's, and's, and quantifiers.
val unique : qbf list -> qbf list
Helper function: list of unique qbfs from l, in unspecified order.
val subst : (int, qbf) Hashtbl.t -> qbf -> qbf
Substitute for variables in a QBF.
val find_model_qbf : ?maximize:bool ->
?logtime:float -> ?logprefix:string -> qbf -> int list option
Find a model for a QBF formula without quantifiers
val force_order : qbf -> int array
Variable ordering heuristiv called FORCE, a center-of-gravity positioning
based simulation of MINCE, from the paper by Aloul, Markov and Sakallah.
val print_qdimacs : ?negate:bool -> qbf -> string
Print a QBF formula in qdimacs format.
val print_qpro : qbf -> string
Print a QBF formula in qpro format.
val print_lparse : ?universal_vars:int list -> qbf -> string
Print a 2QBF formula in lparse format. The QBF must be quantifier free,
free variables that are not specified as universal are made existential.